

甲. 收生準則


  1.學業成績 (40%)
   ● 小五全年及小六上學期校內成績

  2.操行表現 (20%)
   ● 小五全年及小六上學期校內操行表現

  3.面試表現 (20%)
   ● 包括儀容、品格、表達能力及溝通能力等

  4.課外活動及服務 (10%)
   ● 曾參與之課外活動及擔任之職務

  5.學校評語及獎項 (10%)
   ● 學校評語及曾獲之校內外獎項

乙. 報名須知

2. 填妥申請表後,請於2022年1月3日至1月17日期間遞交報名表格並連同以下資料交回本校校務處:
1. 小五全年及小六上學期成績表副本;
2. 出生證明書副本/身份證副本;
3. 學業以外之獎狀副本;(毋須遞交小學推薦信)
4. 教育局印發的「中一自行分配學位申請表」;
5. 回郵信封一個(封面上貼上面值兩元之郵票),請清楚填寫回郵地址及申請學生姓名。

丙. 面試安排

1. 初步獲取錄之學生將獲電話通知面試; (根據甲部第一, 二, 四, 五項篩選)
2. 於2022年3月11日前若仍未獲通知面試,則表示申請未獲考慮;
3. 申請學生須於指定日期及時間到本校面試;
4. 學校將於2022年3月31日透過書面及電話通知所有正取學生家長。
5. 自行分配學位的申請結果將於2022年7月12日與其他需經統一派位結果一併公布。
* 中一自行分配學位數目為36
* 若疫情持續而未能進行面談面試,將於本校網頁公佈最新面試安排,請家長留意。

Application for Secondary 1 Discretionary Places in School Year 2022-2023

A. Admission Criteria

Secondary 1 Discretionary Places admission criteria are as follows: (Weightings for S.1 Discretionary Places are in brackets)

  1. Student’s academic performance (40%)
   ● Academic results in P.5 and the first term of P.6

  2. Conduct (20%)
   ● Conduct in P.5 and the first term of P.6

  3. Interview Performance (20%)
   ● Manner, personalities, language competence and communication ability

  4. Extra-curricular Activities and Services (10%)
   ● Extra-curricular activities and services and duties

  5. Comments and Awards (10%)
   ● Comments from school and internal and external awards received

B. Application Procedure

1. The application form can be obtained at our General Office or click here to download。

Office hours:
Mondays to Fridays: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
School is closed on Sundays and all public holidays.

2. The duly completed application form should be returned to our General Office in person from
 3 January 2022 to 17 January 2022 (both dates inclusive) during office hours, together with the following documents:
a. Photocopies of school reports for P.5 and P.6 (First Term)
b. Photocopy of the Hong Kong birth certificate/HKID card
c. Photocopies of relevant certificates, awards and/or proof of extra-curricular activities
 (Recommendation letters from primary schools are not required.)
d. Application Form for S1 Discretionary Place issued by EDB
e. A self-addressed stamped envelope (with at least an HK$2 stamp on the envelope);
 Please state clearly the receiver’s address and the student’s full name as well.

C. Arrangement of interviews

1. Shortlisted students will be invited to an interview by phone. (Refer to Part A 1,2,4 and 5 for the selection criteria.)
2. Parents may consider their children’s application unsuccessful if they are notified before 11 March 2022.
3. Applicants should attend the interview at the designated date and time.
4. The school will notify parents of successful applicants of their children’s inclusion in the Successful Lists for
 Discretionary Places by mail and phone on 31 March 2022.
5. The results of Discretionary Places and Central Allocation will be released at the same time on 12 July 2022
* The number of discretionary places is36
* In view of the COVID-19 epidemic, if interviews are cancelled,
 parents should be noted that the latest arrangement will be stated on our website


甲. 報名須知


   1. 相片一張;
   2. 最近之成績表副本;
   3. 出生證明書副本/身份證副本;
   4. 學業以外之獎狀副本。

乙. 面試安排

   1. 初步獲考慮之學生將獲通知面試;
   2. 申請學生須於指定日期及時間到本校面試;
   3. 獲取錄之學生將獲通知辦理入學手續。