


  • To provide students with opportunities to use English as a tool to extend their knowledge and experience.
  • To provide students with learning experiences and enhance their language proficiency for study, pleasure, work and personal enrichment.
  • To develop their knowledge, skills, values and attitudes in life by becoming lifelong learners.
  • To empower students to take ownership of their learning process through self-directed learning by developing their proper attitude toward learning, making use of appropriate problem-solving strategies, research and thinking skills.



Curriculum goals


  • Students are immersed in an authentic English-speaking environment with native speakers of a variety of ethnic backgrounds.
  • Students develop their listening skills so that they can engage themselves in a conversation in which they can listen carefully and respond appropriately to others with good manners.


  • Students speak in appropriate pitch, tone, pace and volume with suitable body language.
  • Students respond to others’ ideas and views for purposeful communication and interact with others effectively.
  • Students speak fluently with correct pronunciation and ample vocabulary and with a level of grammatical accuracy which does not interfere with communication.


  • Students develop their habit of reading for pleasure while giving students guidance on reading so as to enable them to master different reading strategies. A wide range of reading materials are provided to cater for students’ diverse reading interests and levels of cognitive development. Students can make use of vocabulary learnt from reading in daily writing and conversation.


  • Students understand that writing is both essential to thinking and learning and enjoyable at the same time.
  • Students are aware of the importance of different steps of the writing process and hence be able to deploy editing techniques to improve their work.
  • Students have a strong grammatical foundation and are capable to apply their knowledge appropriately in writing in an array of meaningful contexts.



School-based Curriculum

Authentic Language Use in Context

Reading to Learn

Graded Course Readers

Using a set of graded readers which is comprised of both fictions and non-fictions of different themes, school teachers design different learning activities for Primary 1 to 6 students to help them develop their language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as a strong foundation in grammar. Through learning about different themes around the readers, students also acquire generic skills such as collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, information technology, numeracy, problem solving, self-management; values and attitudes.

Literary Appreciation

Students learn to appreciate the beauty of the English language. The Junior Classics Programme at Primary 2 and 3 introduces the students with a set of children classics such as Tom Sawyer, Heidi and Black Beauty. Classic novels are also introduced as course readers at Primary 4 (The Wind in the Willows), Primary 5 (Oliver Twist) and Primary 6 (Journey to the Centre of the Earth). Students are provided with opportunities to respond to literature in the classroom and exchange ideas. This will also allow them to gain pleasure and understanding of the literature and understand its value and importance.

Accelerated Reading Scheme and Parent-Child Reading Scheme 

Reading is an integral part of children’s learning. The Accelerated Reading Scheme for Primary 1 to 3 as well as the Parent-Child Reading Scheme for all levels serve the purpose of promoting the reading culture at school. Students are encouraged to appreciate the value of reading by beginning with picture books, rhymes, fables and fairy tales, then move on to bridging books and science stories, and advance to stories with intricate plots and characters or other text types, and further move on to reading materials of a wider range of topics and with greater complexity as well as of different text types and styles.

  • English Language Environment Enrichment Programme (ELEEP)
    ELEEP, supported by our English teachers and CNETs, provides an immersive environment for our students to communicate through the usage of the English language on a daily basis. Apart from joining our regular English and Oral lessons as well as participating in various extra-curricular activities, our CNETs create an English-rich environment where they hold daily activities during recess time, monthly hall events and the annual English Funfair.
  • Drama in Education Programmes
    Drama can enhance students’ motivation in learning English. It also extends students’ learning outside the classroom. To help students gain more confidence in speaking English and to further develop students’ multimodal learning experience, the school has established several drama-in-education programmes which are incorporated into various extra-curricular activities as well as in the English curriculum. The Primary Six English Drama in Education Programme aims to teach students to be critically-literate learners who use higher-order thinking skills to regulate their speaking, listening, reading and writing. The Pr.1-3 Drama Programmes offer a diverse range of roles for students to work with their strengths and interests, and help them develop their multiple intelligences and generic skills.
  • Language Environment
    The School has been recruiting eight native English-speaking tutors to work with school teachers to provide a rich and authentic language environment for students. The English Room is where students are welcomed to join fun activities during lunch breaks every day. With support of the native English-speaking tutors, a number of English Ambassadors are trained to promote English learning in the school campus through English Speaking Day, Weekly Lunch Radio, seasonal events, Newsletters and Annual Funfair.
  • Outside Classroom English Programmes
    Students are unique individuals with different learning styles and varying learning pace. To cater for more advanced students, there are pull-out programmes during ECA periods such as Young Writers, English is Fun, Creative Writing, Junior Leadership Programme and Debating is Fun. To provide more support for the weaker students, there are remedial classes and other enrichment activities and resources for consolidation.



Catering for Individual Needs

Different programmes are designed to cater for learning diversity.

Pre-Primary One Bridging Programme

Aims to help Pr.1 students in the coming year to  improve their English competency so that they can adapt to the English learning environment easily.

Pull-out Sets during English lessons and in the morning reading periods.

For high achievers or students who need extra support. The adoption of pull-out sets varies each year based on the students’ needs for the particular level. 
The pull-out sets can take place during English lessons, or ECA periods, or morning reading periods (7:30am – 8:15am).

Remedial Classes

Aim to assist Pr.2 to Pr.6 during tutorial lessons with no more than 7 students in each class.

Gifted (Yellow Worksheets)

These are extra worksheets given to top 20% of the students. They aim to help more able students to develop their creativity and further enhance their language abilities.

Pr. 4 & 5 Stretching Programme

It is a pull-out programme in which top 25% of the students are taken out during oral lessons. They can further develop their higher-order thinking and collaborative skills by means of inquiry-based project work with the support of teachers.

Extra-curricular English classes

Classes such as Young Learners, Debating is Fun, Budding Writers Programme, Junior Leadership Programme are held during the ECA period or after school to address the diverse learning needs of the students.


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  • 電話: (852) 2526 1882
  • 傳真: (852) 2526 2133
  • 電郵: spccps@ps.spcc.edu.hk