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In terms of content and outcome, we undertake a balanced school-based school-based English curriculum and a language-rich environment, which not only develops our pupils’ four language skills but also let them see the western culture and know more about the world so that our pupils are competitive.
In terms of philosophy, we believe that each child has an intrinsic desire to learn a language although they learn it in different paces. So instead of giving up those slow learners, we work to cater for learner diversity with the aims of not only helping them to maintain interests in English studies but also to foster positive values and optimistic attitudes towards learning, then working and further their lives.
Technologically, knowing that individuals are different in terms of motivation, preferences, learning style and abilities, our teachers would be open-minded to adopt a variety of strategies in English teaching, like the use of IT, NLP Technique, Mind Map and Concept Map, Project Work, Language Arts, Big Book, Songs and Rhymes, Drama and Speech, Communicative Approach, Structural Approach, Activity Approach, Task-based Approach, etc.
In terms of professional development and team-building, knowing that each teacher has their own strengths and weaknesses, we not only support lifelong learning but also emphasize collaboration and communication among our panel members, activities like co-planning, co-teaching, peer observation, experience sharing … are undertaken in which we can learn and gain supports form one another.

Vision of English Language