
英文科課程特色Subject Features

1. School-based curriculum and e-learning

Different teaching strategies are applied in our school to enhance students' English learning. Explicit teaching of reading skills and systematic teaching of writing skills are the foci.

A school-based writing programme has been developed to strengthen pupils’ writing skills in P.1-6. Moreover, students in P.2-6 learn explicit reading skills in intensive reading programmes to enhance their reading abilities.

To arouse students’ interest in learning English, students use iPad with apps relevant to the textbooks during class. What’s more, a free online reading platform, with thousands of interesting books, is provided to our students. To cater for learners’ diversity, students can choose and read books on various topics and levels that suit their abilities and interests.


2. Native-Speaking English Teachers

Our school has three Native-speaking English teachers, who help provide an authentic English environment for the students with our local English teachers. They also conduct various interesting extra-curricular activities and build a language-rich environment in our school, developing pupils’ confidence in communicating in English. 

Buddy Reading
Choral speaking
Class iPad activity
Teachers workshop