Public briefing sessions of the new school in Sha Tin

Public briefing sessions of the new school in Sha Tin

Date: 13/01/2018

   TWGHs Shui Chuen O Primary School will be newly established in Sha Tin District in September 2018. It has been included in the list of the Primary One School Selection School of the Education Bureau. The new school will mainly provide appropriate educational services for children in Sha Tin. 

   On 20th and 21st January 2018, the briefing sessions of the new school were held at TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen Secondary School and Shui Chuen O Plaza platform for the parents in Sha Tin to know more about the background and the progress of the new school. It was a great opportunity for us to get in touch and communicate well with one another. During the briefing sessions, the parents responded enthusiastically. They also knew more about the new school’s vision, curriculum features and the arrangements for the 2018/19 primary one admission.
